RPAC - REALTORS Political Action Committee

The purpose of RPAC is clear: voluntary contributions made by REALTORS® are used to help elect candidates who understand and support their interests. These are not members’ dues; this is money given freely by REALTORS® in recognition of the importance of the political process. The REALTORS® Political Action Committee and other political fundraising are the keys to protecting and promoting the real estate industry. 

The REALTOR® Political Action Committee (RPAC) is important because it: 

RPAC is a tax-exempt 527 organization that has been promoting pro-REALTOR® policies since 1969. REALTORS® can contribute up to $5,000 per year to RPAC. RPAC prefers "hard" money, which is raised from individuals, but it will also accept "soft" money, which is made from a company's corporate account. 

RPAC Fundraisers

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Why Support RPAC?

