
In the Spotlight July

July 1, 2024

Stephanie Kearns from Cradle Beach talks about the many services – from kids to seniors – at the Angola facility, services provided year round, and who the 136 year old agency serves in the community

In the Spotlight June

June 2, 2024

Niagara Falls Mayor Robert Restaino talks residential tax reductions, 3 straight surplus budgets and future of the Cataract City.

In the Spotlight: May

In the Spotlight: May

May 1, 2024

Interview with Casimiro Rodriguez founder and president of the Hispanic Heritage Cultural Institute, gives an update on the upcoming opening, the 1st center of its kind in upstate New York. The mission? Build relationships with other ethnic groups, helping our communities thrive.

In the Spotlight: April

In the Spotlight: April

April 2, 2024

Darren Cotton, founder of the Tool Library, an amazing resource for property owners who need anything from a screwdriver to an air compressor. Find out more on this Buffalo-based agency.

City of Buffalo Mayor, Byron Brown

City of Buffalo Mayor, Byron Brown

February 28, 2024

Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown on housing as he goes In the Spotlight

New Exclusive Right To Sell Contract Review

New Exclusive Right To Sell Contract Review

February 22, 2024

Charlie Martorana, BNAR's Attorney, Reviews the New Exclusive Right to Sell Contract

Senator Sean Ryan

Senator Sean Ryan

January 31, 2024

State Senator Sean Ryan (District 61) talks with Government Affairs Director Brenda Alesii about his four-part plan to address the region’s shortage of affordable housing and rental properties. Think it’ll make a difference? Take a look and learn the details.

Spotlight on Andrew Scott and Paul Perez

Spotlight on Andrew Scott and Paul Perez

December 31, 2023

Andrew Scott and Paul Perez, leaders of the Erie Niagara Board of REALTISTS, one of the NAREB Boards, which is the largest and oldest Black-led Trade Association in the U.S.
